Camera Comparison: iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

In this camera test comparison, we will be analyzing the capabilities of the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. Both these smartphones boast impressive camera features, including high resolution, zoom capabilities, and low-light performance. Join us as we dive into the details and see which device takes the crown in terms of camera performance.

iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Camera Test Comparison - Thumbnail preview 1

iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Camera Test Comparison – Thumbnail preview 1

Primary Camera Comparison

Let’s kick off our comparison by examining the primary camera performance on both devices. The iPhone 15 Pro Max demonstrates better overall dynamic range, particularly in shadow areas, where it maintains more detail. On the other hand, the S23 Ultra leans towards a more vibrant and punchy look with increased contrast. Additionally, the iPhone now offers a default shooting resolution of 24 megapixels, providing sharper and more detailed images compared to the S23 Ultra’s default resolution of 12 megapixels.

Zoom Capabilities

When it comes to zoom capabilities, the S23 Ultra impresses with its extended zoom range, allowing for up to 100x digital zoom. However, the iPhone 15 Pro Max offers a more versatile experience with its multiple focal lengths and lossless zoom options. The optical zoom performance excels on both devices. The S23 Ultra’s optical zoom takes the lead at 3x, while the iPhone catches up at 5x with impressive edge detection and natural-looking bokeh.

iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Camera Test Comparison - Thumbnail preview 2

iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Camera Test Comparison – Thumbnail preview 2

Low-Light Performance

In low-light scenarios, the iPhone 15 Pro Max shines with its ability to capture images with minimal noise and higher detail retention. The S23 Ultra follows closely, but the iPhone’s LiDAR scanner provides an advantage in low-light autofocus. The iPhone’s Night mode also offers a more user-friendly experience and better visibility in the viewfinder compared to the S23 Ultra.

Portrait Mode

Both devices excel in portrait photography, offering great edge detection and pleasing results. The S23 Ultra showcases better black levels, while the iPhone 15 Pro Max delivers superior dynamic range. The iPhone introduces the ability to capture regular photos with depth information, allowing for post-processing adjustments and a more flexible shooting experience.

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iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Camera Test Comparison – Thumbnail preview 3

Ultra-Wide and Macro Photography

The ultra-wide cameras on both devices produce impressive results. The iPhone 15 Pro Max offers a slightly wider field of view, while the S23 Ultra displays better dynamic range in certain situations. However, the S23 Ultra outperforms with its macro photography, capturing more intricate details and producing visually appealing shots.

Video Capabilities

For video recording, both devices shine in different areas. The iPhone 15 Pro Max demonstrates superior dynamic range, stabilizes footage effectively, and delivers cinematic-style videos. It also introduces ProRes encoding with Log, providing more control over post-production color grading. On the other hand, the S23 Ultra offers 8K video recording, allowing for incredible levels of detail. It excels in stabilization during action shots and offers extensive control over shooting parameters through the Pro Video mode.

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iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Camera Test Comparison – Thumbnail preview 4

Selfie and Front-Facing Camera Performance

In terms of selfies, both devices capture detailed and vibrant shots. The iPhone 15 Pro Max offers a wider field of view and superior colors, while the S23 Ultra introduces better noise cancellation. Both devices provide satisfactory results for selfie video recording, with stabilization being relatively equal between them.


In conclusion, both the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra boast exceptional camera capabilities. The S23 Ultra stands out with its extended zoom range, superior macro photography, and ultra-wide camera performance. However, the iPhone 15 Pro Max offers unparalleled versatility and consistent quality across various shooting scenarios. It leads in low-light performance, video recording, and the ability to capture portraits with depth information. Ultimately, your choice between these devices will depend on your specific photography needs and preferences.