Ryan Tested 1-star hotel reviews, so you don’t have to

In a daring adventure, Ryan travels across America to test the validity of 1-star hotel reviews. Armed with a determination to leave five-star reviews at every hotel, Ryan immerses himself in some questionable accommodations. From blizzards and bomb threats to bed bugs and mystery liquids, Ryan faces it all. Join him on this captivating journey as he unveils the truth behind these low-rated hotels.

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I Tested 1-Star Hotel Reviews – Thumbnail preview 1

The Start of the Journey

Ryan begins his journey in Salt Lake City, Utah, excited to explore a place he has always wanted to visit. However, the hotel he chooses has received some alarming 1-star reviews. One guest recounts a blizzard, a cash deposit, and a hostage situation in a neighboring room. Another mentions bed bugs and a broken door. Determined to leave an honest five-star review, Ryan checks into the hotel.

Unfortunate Discoveries

As Ryan settles into his room, he discovers hair on the pillows and questionable substances on the bed. Despite these unsettling findings, the room comes equipped with a microwave and a coffee machine. The bathroom appears satisfactory, but the presence of bed bugs raises concerns.

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I Tested 1-Star Hotel Reviews – Thumbnail preview 2

A Pleasant Surprise

To his surprise, Ryan finds that the hotel offers a stunning view of the mountains. He also enjoys a peaceful night without any hostage situations. However, he cannot ignore the presence of bed bugs and the overall cleanliness of the room.

Unexpected Luxury

Ryan’s next destination is Hotel Fort Des Moines in Iowa. Despite its low ratings, the hotel’s exterior suggests a level of grandeur. However, reviews highlight issues such as old breast milk in the fridge and a rude night manager. Ryan checks in and is astounded by the lavishness of his room. The bed is comfortable, and the bathroom exceeds expectations.

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I Tested 1-Star Hotel Reviews – Thumbnail preview 3

The Lowest Rated Hotel in South Dakota

In South Dakota, Ryan encounters the lowest rated hotel in the state. With bizarre reviews mentioning rats, fish in the toilet, and a gorilla in the shower, he approaches the building with skepticism. Upon inspection, Ryan finds the room to be surprisingly clean and well-maintained. The bathroom is satisfactory, and the allure of the nearby casino adds to the experience.

Unexpected Luck

Feeling lucky, Ryan tries his hand at the casino slots and wins a substantial amount of money. Ecstatic but aware of the suspicious glances from other patrons, he decides to cash out and enjoy some New York-style pizza. Returning to his room, Ryan finishes reading a book and relishes the view from his window.

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I Tested 1-Star Hotel Reviews – Thumbnail preview 4

A Great Escape

Ryan’s final stop is in New York City, where he encounters a hotel with perplexing 1.4-star ratings. Reviews mention rats, roaches, and ominous knockings on doors. Undeterred, Ryan checks in and is pleasantly surprised by the exquisite accommodations. The bed is comfortable, the bathroom spacious, and the overall ambiance satisfying.

Reflections and Surprises

Throughout his journey, Ryan reflects on the absurdity of some 1-star reviews and the genuine issues faced by guests. He appreciates the excitement and adventure of staying in these low-rated hotels while acknowledging the importance of cleanliness and comfort. In the end, Ryan surprises his wife by completing a book she had been urging him to read.

A Lesson in Perspective

Ryan’s experience teaches him the importance of perspective when reading online reviews. While some reviews may highlight legitimate concerns, others may be exaggerated or based on isolated incidents. By approaching each hotel with an open mind, Ryan was able to find positive aspects even in the face of low ratings.

The Ultimate Reviewer

In conclusion, Ryan emerges as the ultimate reviewer, leaving five-star reviews despite the initial skepticism surrounding these hotels. His journey highlights the nuances of online reviews and the value of personal experiences. Through it all, Ryan discovers that a positive perspective can often outweigh negative ratings, and sometimes, even exceed expectations.