Legendary Memes: Where Are They Today?

The internet has given birth to countless memes that have brought us joy and laughter over the years. But what happened to these memes after their initial viral fame? In this video, titled ‘Legendary Memes: Where Are They Today?’ by SunnyV2, we delve into the lives of 10 classic internet memes and explore what they look like in current times. From Side Eyeing Chloe to the 9 plus 10 Kid, we discover the stories behind these iconic memes and how they have evolved over the years.

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Legendary Memes: Where Are They Today? – Thumbnail preview 1

Side Eyeing Chloe: From Viral Sensation to College Funds

Side Eyeing Chloe became a viral sensation in 2013 when a video of her reaction to a surprise Disneyland trip went viral on Tumblr. The meme quickly spread across the internet, with her face appearing on everything from album covers to billboards. After the meme’s hype died down, Chloe’s family decided to sell the meme as an NFT, earning $74,000. This money will go towards funding Chloe’s and her sister’s college education.

The Popeyes Kid: From Vine Star to Breakthrough Athlete

Dennis Colin, also known as the Popeyes Kid, gained fame through a Vine video where he hilariously imitated Snoopy. The popularity of the meme caused him social anxiety in his early teens. However, he used this as motivation to excel in football. Years later, Dennis announced on Twitter that he went from Popeyes to state champion. This caught the attention of Popeyes, who officially sponsored him and featured him in a Super Bowl commercial. Dennis went on to win Breakthrough Athlete of the Year.

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Legendary Memes: Where Are They Today? – Thumbnail preview 2

El Risitas: From Infectious Laughter to Tragic End

El Risitas, whose real name is Juan Joya, gained fame for his infectious laughter during a Spanish TV show interview. The clip became a viral meme, but El Risitas faced hardships in his personal life. He battled diabetes and had to have his left leg amputated. Despite receiving support from a French video forum, he struggled with health issues and sadly passed away in April 2021. His presence on the internet, however, will live on.

Bad Luck Brian: From Awkward Yearbook Photo to Internet Icon

Bad Luck Brian, whose real name is Kyle Craven, intentionally took a terrible yearbook photo and it became a meme on Reddit titled ‘Bad Luck Brian.’ The meme gained immense popularity, leading to advertising opportunities and even featuring in a book and on merchandise. Kyle now works as a project manager for his father’s construction company and has gotten married and started a family.

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Legendary Memes: Where Are They Today? – Thumbnail preview 3

Scumbag Steve: From Myspace Picture to Rap Career

Scumbag Steve, whose real name is Blake Boston, gained notoriety when his picture was posted on Reddit with various captions mocking him as the ‘unrecipical stoner.’ Blake initially disliked the meme but eventually embraced it, launching a rap career and attending conferences. Although his popularity faded over time, he recently sold the meme as an NFT, expressing gratitude for the impact it had on his life.

Good Guy Greg: The Antithesis of Scumbag Steve

Good Guy Greg, whose true identity remains a mystery, became a popular meme depicting a kind and empathetic character. The image circulated with captions highlighting acts of generosity. Despite the meme’s popularity, the person in the photo never came forward to claim their identity. Speculation arose, but the true Good Guy Greg has remained anonymous, content with bringing joy to people’s lives.

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Legendary Memes: Where Are They Today? – Thumbnail preview 4

Overly Attached Girlfriend: Fame and Mental Health Struggles

Overly Attached Girlfriend originated from a parody video by YouTuber Laina Morris. The meme quickly gained traction, but Laina expressed discomfort with her face being associated with it. Despite her online success, fame took a toll on her mental health, leading her to quit YouTube. In 2021, she sold her meme as an NFT for an astonishing price, expressing both gratitude and surprise.

Have You Ever Had a Dream Kid: The Elusive Internet Star

Have You Ever Had a Dream Kid rose to fame with a YouTube video featuring a child struggling to express himself. His identity remained unknown until someone claimed to have gone to high school with him. His name is Joseph Circle, and a subsequent interview revealed that he is now working in the corporate world. Despite his accidental fame, Joseph prefers to keep a low profile.

The Kazoo Kid: From VHS Star to YouTube Sensation

The Kazoo Kid gained fame through a VHS TV show in 1989, but it wasn’t until years later that his meme went viral on YouTube. The Kazoo Kid, whose real name is Brett Ambler, still maintains a presence as an actor and musician. His YouTube channel showcases his musical talents, often featuring the iconic kazoo.

The 9 plus 10 Kid: Vanished from the Internet

The 9 plus 10 Kid became famous through a Vine video, but his real name, Azavia, remains mostly unknown. Rumors circulated about his disappearance, but it was debunked when his brother uploaded a video confirming that he was safe. Despite this confirmation, Azavia has since vanished from the internet, leaving his current whereabouts a mystery.