Master PowerPoint with this Morph Transition Tutorial

PowerPoint presentations can often be daunting, and many struggle to make them engaging and visually appealing. Our latest tutorial video focuses on making your presentations stand out with the use of Morph transition. In this blog, we will recap and elaborate on the steps described in the Morph PowerPoint Tutorial video.

Morph PowerPoint tutorial #powerpoint #tutorial - Thumbnail preview 1

Morph PowerPoint tutorial #powerpoint #tutorial – Thumbnail preview 1

Starting with a single picture

The tutorial begins with a straightforward instruction – search and download a ‘blueberry PNG’ from Google. This way the morph PowerPoint tutorial begins.

Multiple blueberries

Once you have your blueberry PNG, the next step is to create multiple copies, rotate them, and arrange them on the PowerPoint presentation screen. This process of multiplying and rotating images layers the foundation of the morph PowerPoint tutorial.

Morph PowerPoint tutorial #powerpoint #tutorial - Thumbnail preview 2

Morph PowerPoint tutorial #powerpoint #tutorial – Thumbnail preview 2

Creating depth

Our tutorial goes a step further by filling extra space below the slide with additional blueberries. Before you move on, group the blueberries together.

The bigger blueberries

A standout feature in the Morph PowerPoint Tutorial is the use of enlarged blueberries. Insert a large blueberry into your presentation, give it an artistic effect, and choose to blur it.

Morph PowerPoint tutorial #powerpoint #tutorial - Thumbnail preview 3

Morph PowerPoint tutorial #powerpoint #tutorial – Thumbnail preview 3

Duplicates and arrangements

Duplicate these artistically enhanced large blueberries, slightly rotate them, and arrange them inventively. Ensure that all these bigger blueberries are grouped together before moving to the next part of the morph PowerPoint tutorial.

About duplicates slides

The tutorial guides you to duplicate the entire slide and adjust the large blueberries in different alignments. You can move them upwards and adjust the text and titles accordingly.

Morph PowerPoint tutorial #powerpoint #tutorial - Thumbnail preview 4

Morph PowerPoint tutorial #powerpoint #tutorial – Thumbnail preview 4

Applying Morph Transition

The final steps in our Morph PowerPoint Tutorial involve the key point – applying the Morph Transition to all your slides. This feature is what this tutorial is all about and is essential to bring life to the presentation.

Practice and perfect

This morph PowerPoint tutorial is designed to introduce you to the possibilities of PowerPoint presentations. Practicing these instructions will help you hone your skills to make your presentations interesting and engaging.